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Algemeen: gebruikte afkortingen

om misverstanden te voorkomen; zou het niet handig zijn om geen afkortingen te gebruiken voor componenten. hierdoor ontstaan misverstanden en zelf meningsverschillen. aangezien personenauto's over de hele wereld gemaakt worden, worden er verschillende benamingen in verschillende talen voor een component verzonnen. Bijvoorbeeld; het is eenvoudiger om over een cruise-control schakelaar te praten dan over een cc-schakelaar, gra-schalter(geschwindigkeit-regel-anlage), srs-schakelaar (snelheids-regel-systeem). iedereen weet nu wat er wordt bedoeld, er worden geen onodige vragen gesteld. alle misverstanden de deur uit.

reactie zijn welkom

met vriendelijke groeten caddy.

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al 22 jaar lid

Heb je de perfecte onderdelen nodig voor jouw auto? Ontdek nu de meest uitgebreide selectie van kwalitatieve automaterialen. Eenvoudig en zeer voordelig te bestellen via onderstaand kentekenveld.


Zeer mee eens.Want niet elke monteur is altijd exact op de hoogte van de verschillende benamingen en afkortingen.Laat staan de particulier.

Gr. Siem Bijman

Siem Bijman 700
badge vip badge

21 jaar

Misschien heb je hier iets aan.

A = Ampere
A/C = Air Conditioning
A/F = Air/Fuel Ratio
A/T = Automatic Transmission or Transaxle
ABS = Antilock Braking System
ABSV = Air Bypass Solenoid Valve
AC = Alternating Current
ACTS = Air Charge Temperature Sensor
AFC = Air Flow Control
AFM = Air Flow Meter
AFS = Air Flow Sensor
ALCL = Assembly Line Communications Link
ALDL = Assembly Line Data Link
APS = Absolute Pressure Sensor
APS = Atmospheric Pressure Sensor
ASDM = Airbag System Diagnostic Module
ATDC = After Top Dead Centre
ATF = Automatic Transmission Fluid
ATS = Air Temperature Sensor
AWD = All Wheel Drive
B+ = Battery Positive Voltage
BARO = Barometric Pressure
BAT = Battery
BCM = Body Control Module
BHP = Brake Horse Power
BMAP = Barometric/Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor
BPS = Back pressure Sensor
BPT = Back Pressure Transducer
BTDC = Before Top Dead Centre
Btu = British Thermal Units
C = Celsius
C3I = Computer Controlled Coil Ignition
CALPAK = Calibration Pack
CAN = Controller Area Network
CANP = Canister Purge Solenoid Valve
CAS = Crank Angle Sensor
CC = Cubic Centimetres
CDI = Capacitor Discharge Ignition
CEAB = Cold Engine Air Bleed
CECU = Central Electronic Control Unit
CER = Cold Enrichment Rod
CESS = Cold Engine Sensor Switch
CFI = Central Fuel Injection
CFI = Continuous Fuel Injection
cfm = Cubic Feet Per Minute
CID = cylinder identification sensor
CID = Cubic Inch Displacement
CIS = Continuous Injection System
CKP = Crankshaft Position Sensor
CMP = Camshaft Position Sensor
CO = Carbon Monoxide
CO2 = Carbon Dioxide
COP = Coil On Plug ignition
CPI = Central Port Injection
CPU = Central Processing Unit
CSSA = Cold Start Spark Advance
CSSH = Cold Start Spark Hold
CTS = Coolant Temperature Sensor
CTVS = Choke Thermal Vacuum Switch
CVR = Control Vacuum Regulator
dB = Decibels
DC = Direct Current
DEFI = Digital Electronic Fuel Injection
DFS = Deceleration Fuel Shutoff
DIS = Distributorless Ignition System
DIS = Direct Ignition System
DLC = Data Link Connector
DOHC = Double OverHead Camshaft
DTC = Diagnostic Trouble Code
DVOM = Digital Volt Ohm Meter
E2PROM = Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
EACV = Electronic Air Control Valve
EBCM = Electronic Brake Control Module
EBM = Electronic Body Module
ECA = Electronic Control Assembly
ECM = Engine Control Module
ECT = Engine Coolant Temperature
ECU = Electronic Control Unit
EDIS = Electronic Distributorless Ignition System
EEPROM = Electronically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
E2PROM = Electronically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
EFC = Electronic Fuel Control
EFCA = Electronic Fuel Control Assembly
EFI = Electronic Fuel Injection
EGO = Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor
EGR = Exhaust Gas Recirculation
EGRPS = EGR Valve Position Sensor
EGRT = EGR Temperature
EI = Electronic Ignition
EMI = Electromagnetic Interference
EMR = Electronic Module Retard
EOS = Exhaust Oxygen Sensor
EOBD = European Onboard Diagnostics
EPOS = EGR Valve Position Sensor
EPROM = Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (chip)
ESC = Electronic Spark Control
EST = Electronic Spark Timing
EVAP = Evaporative Emission System
EVP = EGR Valve Position Sensor
F = Fahrenheit
FBC = Feedback Carburettor System
FBCA = Feedback Carburettor Actuator
FCS = Fuel Control Solenoid
FDC = Fuel Deceleration Valve
FI = Fuel Injection
FLS = Fluid Level Sensor = Foot Pound
FWD = Front-Wheel Drive
gal = Gallon
GDI = Gasoline Direct Injection
GEN = Generator
GND = Ground
GPM = Grams Per Mile
GVW = Gross Vehicle Weight
H20 = Water
HC = Hydrocarbon
HEGO = Heated Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor
HEI = High Energy Ignition
Hg = Mercury
HO2S = Heated Oxygen Sensor
hp = Horsepower
HT = High Tension
IAC = Idle Air Control
IAT = Intake Air Temperature
IATS = Intake Air Temperature Sensor
IC = Integrated Circuit
ICM = Ignition Control Module
ICS = Idle Control Solenoid
ID = Inside Diameter
IFI = Indirect Fuel Injection
IGN = Ignition
ISC = Idle Speed Control
ISO = International Standards Organization
ITCS = Ignition Timing Control System
ITS = Idle Tracking Switch
JAS = Jet Air System
kHz = Kilohertz
Km = Kilometres
KOEC = "Key On, Engine Cranking"
KOEO = "Key On, Engine Off"
KOER = "Key On, Engine Running"
kPa = Kilopascals
KS = Knock Sensor
KV = Kilovolts
L = Litres
lb. ft. = Pound Feet
LCD = Liquid Crystal Display
LED = Light Emitting Diode
LHD = Left-Hand Drive
LTFT = Long Term Fuel Trim
LFR = Nullast Stappen motor
LWB = Long Wheel-Base
MAF = Mass Air Flow
MAP = Manifold Absolute Pressure
MAT = Manifold Air Temperature
MCS = Mixture Control Solenoid
MCT = Manifold Charge Temperature
MFI = Multi Port Fuel Injection
MIL = Malfunction Indicator Light
mm = Millimetres
MPFI = Multi Point Fuel Injection
MPG = Miles Per Gallon
MPH = Miles Per Hour
MPI = Multi Port Injection
MPV = Multi-Purpose Vehicle
ms = Millisecond
mV = Millivolts
Nm = Newton Metres
NOX = Oxides of Nitrogen
NVRAM = Nonvolatile Random Access Memory
O2 = Oxygen
O2S = Oxygen Sensor
OBD = Onboard Diagnostics
OBD I = Onboard Diagnostics One
OBD II = Onboard Diagnostics Two
OD = Outside Diameter
OE = Original Equipment
OEM = Original Equipment Manufacturer
OHC = OverHead Camshaft
OHV = OverHead Valve
OS = Oxygen Sensor
P/B = Power Bakes
P/N = Part Number
PA = Pressure Air
PAIR = Pulsed Secondary Air Injection
PAS = Power-Assisted Steering
PCM = Powertrain Control Module
PCV = Positive Crankcase Ventilation
PECV = Power Enrichment Control Valve
PFI = Port Fuel Injection
PID = Parameter ID
PIP = Profile ignition pickup
PNP = Park/Neutral Switch
PPM = Parts Per Million
PROM = Program Read Only Memory (chip)
PS = Power Steering
PSI = Pounds Per Square Inch
PSP = Power Steering Pressure
pt. = Pint
PTC = Pending Trouble Code
PWR = Power to Weight Ratio
Qt. = Quart
RAM = Random Access Memory
RFI = Radio Frequency Interference
RHD = Right-Hand Drive
ROM = Read Only Memory
RON = Rated Octane Number
RPM = Revolutions Per Minute
RWD = Rear-Wheel Drive
SC = Supercharged
SEFI = Sequential Electronic Fuel Injection
SES = Service Engine Soon (light)
SFI = Sequential Fuel Injection
SIPS = Side Impact Protection System
SOHC = Single Over Head Camshaft
SRS = Secondary Restraint System
SRS = Supplemental Restraint System (air bag)
SRT = System Readiness Test
SS = Speed Sensor
SSI = Solid State Ignition
STFT = Short Term Fuel Trim
SWB = Short Wheel-Base
TACH = Tachometer
TB = Throttle Body
TBI = Throttle Body Injection
TC = Turbocharged
TCC = Torque Converter Clutch
TCM = Transmission or Transaxle Control Module
TD = Turbo Diesel
TDC = Top Dead Centre
TDI = Turbo Direct Injection (A turbo charged direct injected diesel engine)
TIV = Thermactor Idle Vacuum Valve
TKS = Throttle Kicker Solenoid
TPI = Tuned Port Injection
TPP = Throttle Position Potentiometer
TPS = Throttle Position Sensor
TPT = Throttle Position Transducer
TSP = Throttle Solenoid Positioner
TV = Throttle Valve
TVS = Thermal Vacuum Switch
TWC = Three Way Catalyst
TWC+OC = Three Way + Oxidation Catalytic Converter
V = Volts
VAC = Vacuum
VAC = Volts Alternating Current
VAF = Volume Airflow
VAF = Vane Airflow Sensor
VCC = Viscous Converter Clutch
VCM = Vehicle Control Module
VDC = Volts Direct Current
VIN = Vehicle Identification Number
VR = Voltage Regulator
VS = Vehicle Sensor
VSS = Vehicle Speed Sensor
VVC = Variable Valve Control
VVT = Variable Valve Timing
WOT = Wide Open Throttle

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