Excuse me for writing in english but my dutch is very limited as i havent been to netherlands for too long.
I own a kia sorento as well 2003 (2.4l benzene), the check engine light (orange) is constantly on for a month now. I went to a garage and they told me that according to the reading they performed was the lamba sensor. After i changed it, the engine light continued to be on. They performed a second reading and they found that my both catalysers had a problem. They told me that they physically inspected the catalysers and they were both broken.
Now after having paid already ~600 euros for inspection etc... they tell me that the new katalysators + the work would cost me at about 2500 euros! and till then i cant get a new APK. ( i was not given on paper my emissions or the code for the check engine light)
I live in the netehrlands for about 10 months and i am planning to leave in about 8 months. For tax purposes i cant get the car with me so i plan to sell it thus 2500 euros is a large amount of money for me. Could maybe someone suggest some no name brand for catalyser or used car parts. I have found some sites which offer 3 years guarantee but availability for kia sorento is limited.
My true apologies for posting in english as my dutch is at very basic level. any help would be absolutely appreciated.
You have one chance:
Go to an independent garage and let them do the APK.
2 choices: don't tell them anything and see what they say about the quality of the exhaust gasses,
or tell them the problem and get the readings from both the gas-test and the codes read from the car.
With any luck the gasses will still pass the test and you can drive on for another year and sell the car.
thanks a lot for your input. I think i will go to a second garage to check it once more as you suggest. However i think if the problem is true that i will fix it..besides who will buy it with a problem?or better at what price?
I am not of this people that know how to cheat or would cheat even if i could.
But truth is kia sorento at least the model i have is a quite problematic car. For sure I will never buy a kia again.
15 jaar
According to several professionals here the first cat is known to brake up, and it's a very common problem on this engine.
Normally the second cat does not brake, but there are always exceptions.
Hello again,
Could some please tell me if he knows what code P01421 mean? I got it from the first garage where i had my car checked.
I had my car checked for a second time in a different garage and now they tell me they are not sure! about the katalysator. THis is amazing! So that means that the first one was trying to cheat me! ?? i
15 jaar
P01421 does not exist. A P-code has a P and 4 digits, not 5.
If you made a typing error and meant P0421 that's definitely Catalyst defective.
Code description here: www.dtcsearch.com
Usually this code means that the catalyst is defective.
However, there's always a small chance this is caused because an Oxygen sensor sends a false signal.
This can happen when the exhaust is leak between the catalyst and this Oxygen sensor.
Thank you very much for your immediate answers all these days. You ve been really helpfull.No actually this is what the first garage gave me (P01421).
I had my labda sensor (guess this is the o2 sensor) changed but from what i was told fromt the (1st garage) they physically inspected the catalysts and they were both borken and still get the check engine light signal.
However i didnt understand why in the second garage they are not sure.that is getting crazy. I have contacted a kia dealer in italy and they probably will provide me with generic katalysators so i hope that will solve the problem. My car has only 95000km and driven in normal roads so i dont understand how two catalysts can ben broken (?)...
Thanks a lot oldford for your assistance in my questions.
15 jaar
Without having the actual car and before running some tests on it I am also not sure.
95 out of 100 times it will be a catalyst broken, but there are the other 5 times.
And yes a lambda sensor is the same as an Oxygen sensor or O2 sensor.
In the Dutch language the name is lambda sensor, in the English language it is usually called an Oxygen sensor.
Niet gevonden wat je zocht? Misschien is je vraag al eens beantwoord voor je Kia Sorento of stel zelf een nieuwe vraag.
another issue is that i dont have a garage that i really could trust as i havent used oneso far except for the regular check up of the car which did not have any problems so far.
15 jaar