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Gratis lid worden

Volkswagen Polo: katalysator fout

Bouwjaar: 2003, Brandstof: Benzine, Motorcode: 1.2

uitlees rapport 03-11-2010
VAG-COM Version: Release 409.1-US
Control Module Part Number: 03E 906 033
Component and/or Version: 1,2l/4V SIMOS3 00HS4340
Software Coding: 00031
Work Shop Code: WSC 00788
Additional Info: WVWZZZ9NZ3Y042838 VWZ7Z0B5191184
1 Fault Found:
16804 - Catalyst System: Bank 1: Efficiency Below Threshold
P0420 - 35-00 - -

uitlees rapport 18-03-2010

VAG-COM Version: Release 409.1-US
Control Module Part Number: 03E 906 033
Component and/or Version: 1,2l/4V SIMOS3 00HS4340
Software Coding: 00031
Work Shop Code: WSC 00788
Additional Info: WVWZZZ9NZ3Y042838 VWZ7Z0B5191184
1 Fault Found:
16804 - Catalyst System: Bank 1: Efficiency Below Threshold
P0420 - 35-00 - -

Kan iemand hier mij mee helpen, ik heb twee keer uitgelzen en foutcode gewist, maar dezelfde melding komt steeds weer terug.



Geplaatst door

Reinier336 +0

al 14 jaar lid


Foutmelding zal ook blijven terug komen als de kat niet goed werkt. Alleen vervangen verhelpt dat.
Lees eens rijdend uit bij zo'n 80 km/uur. Pendelt de lambdasonde na de kat dan (sensor 2) of geeft deze een stabiel signaal?

oldford +0

14 jaar

Inderdaad vaak de kat stuk bij deze storing,maar je kan voor de zekerheid de softwarestand controleren of deze wel actueel is.

ricky +10

14 jaar

[quote=oldford]Foutmelding zal ook blijven terug komen als de kat niet goed werkt. Alleen vervangen verhelpt dat.
Lees eens rijdend uit bij zo'n 80 km/uur. Pendelt de lambdasonde na de kat dan (sensor 2) of geeft deze een stabiel signaal?[/quote]
Beste oldford,
Kun je mij de meetblokken geven waar ik naar moet kijken en wat moeten de waardes zijn?

Gr. Reinier

Reinier336 +0

14 jaar

Duitse label file + redirection die die je nodig hebt:
Lambda regeling staat in groep 30 t/m 46. Kijk in de file voor de juiste groepen en waardes.

oldford +0

14 jaar

[quote=oldford]Foutmelding zal ook blijven terug komen als de kat niet goed werkt. Alleen vervangen verhelpt dat.
Lees eens rijdend uit bij zo'n 80 km/uur. Pendelt de lambdasonde na de kat dan (sensor 2) of geeft deze een stabiel signaal?[/quote]
03E 906 033 ,,1.2l/4V SIMOS3 00HS4340,

,Group A:,'005,,,,Group B:,'036,,,,Group C:,'033
,,RPM,Load,Speed, ,,Voltage, , , ,,Lambda,Voltage, ,
Marker,STAMP, /min,%, km/h,,STAMP, V,,,,STAMP,%, V,,
,0.93,2784,90.2,68.0,Full Throt,0.01,0.82,B1-S2 OK, , ,0.45,0.0,3.59, ,
,2.30,2912,92.5,72.0,Full Throt,1.38,0.86,B1-S2 OK, , ,1.86,-2.0,1.05, ,
,3.68,3072,93.7,76.0,Full Throt,2.78,0.86,B1-S2 OK, , ,3.25,-2.7,1.09, ,
,5.04,3040,0.0,79.0,Overrun,4.14,0.86,B1-S2 OK, , ,4.61,-2.0,1.13, ,
,6.46,2592,47.8,79.0,Part Throttle,5.49,0.00,B1-S2 OK, , ,5.97,0.0,1.25, ,
,7.86,2624,42.4,79.0,Part Throttle,6.93,0.82,B1-S2 OK, , ,7.36,-3.1,1.45, ,
,9.18,2624,41.2,79.0,Part Throttle,8.32,0.74,B1-S2 OK, , ,8.77,-2.3,1.52, ,
,10.62,2656,41.2,79.0,Part Throttle,9.66,0.70,B1-S2 OK, , ,10.16,-1.2,1.48, ,
,12.00,2624,37.6,79.0,Part Throttle,11.07,0.74,B1-S2 OK, , ,11.52,-0.4,1.48, ,
,13.44,2624,38.8,78.0,Part Throttle,12.51,0.74,B1-S2 OK, , ,12.99,-0.4,1.48, ,
,14.86,2624,41.2,78.0,Part Throttle,13.92,0.74,B1-S2 OK, , ,14.41,-0.8,1.45, ,
,16.17,2624,42.4,79.0,Part Throttle,15.29,0.74,B1-S2 OK, , ,15.74,-1.2,1.45, ,
,17.64,2656,42.4,79.0,Part Throttle,16.67,0.74,B1-S2 OK, , ,17.16,-1.6,1.52, ,
,19.02,2656,42.4,79.0,Part Throttle,18.14,0.74,B1-S2 OK, , ,18.54,-2.0,1.45, ,
,20.44,2656,42.4,79.0,Part Throttle,19.50,0.70,B1-S2 OK, , ,19.98,-2.3,1.52, ,
,21.79,2656,42.4,79.0,Part Throttle,20.87,0.70,B1-S2 OK, , ,21.30,-2.3,1.52, ,
,23.19,2656,41.2,79.0,Part Throttle,22.26,0.74,B1-S2 OK, , ,22.74,-3.5,1.45, ,
,24.60,2656,42.4,80.0,Part Throttle,23.67,0.55,B1-S2 OK, , ,24.15,-3.5,1.48, ,
,26.04,2656,41.2,80.0,Part Throttle,25.08,0.66,B1-S2 OK, , ,25.53,-3.5,1.52, ,
,27.45,2688,41.2,80.0,Part Throttle,26.55,0.66,B1-S2 OK, , ,26.98,-3.9,1.45, ,
,28.81,2688,41.2,80.0,Part Throttle,27.88,0.55,B1-S2 OK, , ,28.34,-3.9,1.48, ,
,30.28,2688,41.2,80.0,Part Throttle,29.27,0.70,B1-S2 OK, , ,29.78,-4.3,1.52, ,
,31.74,2688,41.2,80.0,Part Throttle,30.76,0.63,B1-S2 OK, , ,31.25,-4.3,1.48, ,
,33.19,2688,40.0,80.0,Part Throttle,32.21,0.59,B1-S2 OK, , ,32.72,-4.7,1.52, ,
,34.61,2688,38.8,80.0,Part Throttle,33.65,0.74,B1-S2 OK, , ,34.10,-4.7,1.48, ,
,35.94,2688,36.5,80.0,Part Throttle,35.08,0.51,B1-S2 OK, , ,35.51,-4.3,1.48, ,
,37.33,2688,31.8,80.0,Part Throttle,36.37,0.70,B1-S2 OK, , ,36.82,-5.1,1.52, ,
,38.76,2656,32.9,79.0,Part Throttle,37.78,0.70,B1-S2 OK, , ,38.29,-4.7,1.45, ,
,40.20,2656,32.9,79.0,Part Throttle,39.22,0.43,B1-S2 OK, , ,39.70,-5.1,1.48, ,
,41.65,2624,32.9,79.0,Part Throttle,40.71,0.43,B1-S2 OK, , ,41.19,-2.3,1.52, ,
,43.12,2624,32.9,78.0,Part Throttle,42.11,0.74,B1-S2 OK, , ,42.58,-3.1,1.48, ,
,44.50,2624,31.8,78.0,Part Throttle,43.59,0.47,B1-S2 OK, , ,44.05,-2.3,1.52, ,
,45.87,2592,31.8,78.0,Part Throttle,44.98,0.66,B1-S2 OK, , ,45.42,-0.8,1.52, ,
,47.17,2592,36.5,78.0,Enrich.,46.27,0.70,B1-S2 OK, , ,46.69,0.0,1.45, ,
,48.55,2592,38.8,77.0,Part Throttle,47.62,0.66,B1-S2 OK, , ,48.06,1.6,1.48, ,
,49.90,2592,38.8,78.0,Part Throttle,48.99,0.70,B1-S2 OK, , ,49.46,1.2,1.45, ,
,51.33,2592,38.8,77.0,Part Throttle,50.40,0.70,B1-S2 OK, , ,50.86,0.8,1.48, ,
,52.67,2592,38.8,77.0,Part Throttle,51.77,0.70,B1-S2 OK, , ,52.21,-0.8,1.48, ,
,54.08,2592,38.8,77.0,Part Throttle,53.15,0.63,B1-S2 OK, , ,53.63,-0.4,1.52, ,
,55.42,2592,37.6,78.0,Part Throttle,54.51,0.70,B1-S2 OK, , ,54.97,-0.8,1.48, ,
,56.80,2592,38.8,78.0,Part Throttle,55.89,0.70,B1-S2 OK, , ,56.33,-1.6,1.45, ,
,58.11,2592,38.8,78.0,Part Throttle,57.23,0.74,B1-S2 OK, , ,57.66,-1.6,1.45, ,

03E 906 033 ,,1.2l/4V SIMOS3 00HS4340,

,Group A:,'031,,,,Group B:,'032,,,,Group C:,'043
,,(no units),(no units), , ,,Lambda,Lambda, , ,,RPM,Temperature,Voltage,
Marker,STAMP,,,,,STAMP,%,%,,,STAMP, /min,°C, V,
,0.98,0.8984,0.9277, , ,0.01,0.0,-1.6, , ,0.51,2592,976.0,0.90,Test OFF
,2.41,0.9482,0.9268, , ,1.42,0.0,-1.6, , ,1.90,2560,968.0,0.86,Test OFF
,3.87,0.9395,0.9248, , ,2.80,0.0,-1.6, , ,3.36,2528,968.0,0.86,Test OFF
,5.20,0.9453,0.9248, , ,4.27,0.0,-1.6, , ,4.69,2528,960.0,0.86,Test OFF
,6.59,0.9326,0.9258, , ,5.71,0.0,-1.6, , ,6.13,2560,952.0,0.86,Test OFF
,8.05,0.9268,0.9277, , ,7.07,0.0,-1.6, , ,7.55,2560,944.0,0.86,Test OFF
,9.36,0.9316,0.9297, , ,8.48,0.0,-1.6, , ,8.94,2592,928.0,0.86,Test OFF
,10.65,0.9336,0.9365, , ,9.77,0.0,-1.6, , ,10.21,2592,928.0,0.86,Test OFF
,12.03,0.9443,0.9414, , ,11.10,0.0,-1.6, , ,11.55,2592,920.0,0.86,Test OFF
,13.40,0.9463,0.9463, , ,12.48,0.0,-1.6, , ,12.94,2592,904.0,0.82,Test OFF
,14.81,0.9551,0.9580, , ,13.88,0.0,-1.6, , ,14.35,2592,904.0,0.82,Test OFF
,16.15,0.9678,0.9648, , ,15.24,0.0,-1.6, , ,15.69,2592,896.0,0.82,Test OFF
,17.56,1.0098,1.0020, , ,16.62,0.0,-1.6, , ,17.11,2592,888.0,0.78,Test OFF
,18.97,0.9971,1.0020, , ,18.03,0.0,-1.6, , ,18.52,2592,888.0,0.74,Test OFF
,20.36,1.0029,1.0020, , ,19.43,0.0,-1.6, , ,19.88,2592,880.0,0.66,Test OFF
,21.77,1.0156,1.0020, , ,20.84,0.0,-1.6, , ,21.31,2592,880.0,0.63,Test OFF
,23.14,1.0039,1.0020, , ,22.23,0.0,-1.6, , ,22.70,2592,880.0,0.74,Test OFF
,24.50,0.9902,1.0020, , ,23.59,0.0,-1.6, , ,24.07,2560,872.0,0.70,Test OFF

03E 906 033 ,,1.2l/4V SIMOS3 00HS4340,

,Group A:,'033,,,,Group B:,'036,,,,Group C:,'046
,,Lambda,Voltage, , ,,Voltage, , , ,,RPM,Temperature,(no units),
Marker,STAMP,%, V,,,STAMP, V,,,,STAMP, /min,°C,,
,0.96,-5.1,1.45, , ,0.01,0.82,B1-S2 OK, , ,0.45,2624,960.0,0.00,Test OFF
,2.42,-10.5,1.48, , ,1.46,0.82,B1-S2 OK, , ,1.92,2560,952.0,0.00,Test OFF
,3.76,-3.1,1.52, , ,2.90,0.74,B1-S2 OK, , ,3.28,2528,952.0,0.00,Test OFF
,5.12,0.8,1.48, , ,4.16,0.59,B1-S2 OK, , ,4.62,2560,944.0,0.00,Test OFF
,6.61,1.2,1.48, , ,5.62,0.55,B1-S2 OK, , ,6.11,2560,944.0,0.00,Test OFF
,8.05,0.4,1.48, , ,7.07,0.70,B1-S2 OK, , ,7.55,2560,936.0,0.00,Test OFF
,9.41,0.4,1.45, , ,8.51,0.70,B1-S2 OK, , ,8.97,2592,928.0,0.00,Test ON
,10.78,0.0,1.48, , ,9.87,0.70,B1-S2 OK, , ,10.32,2592,920.0,0.00,Test ON
,12.16,1.2,1.52, , ,11.25,0.70,B1-S2 OK, , ,11.71,2592,912.0,0.00,Test ON
,13.55,1.6,1.48, , ,12.62,0.70,B1-S2 OK, , ,13.09,2592,912.0,0.00,Test ON
,15.02,0.8,1.52, , ,14.03,0.47,B1-S2 OK, , ,14.54,2592,904.0,0.00,Test ON
,16.44,0.0,1.48, , ,15.52,0.70,B1-S2 OK, , ,15.98,2592,904.0,0.00,Test ON
,17.85,0.0,1.45, , ,16.92,0.63,B1-S2 OK, , ,17.39,2592,896.0,0.00,Test ON
,19.13,1.2,1.52, , ,18.30,0.51,B1-S2 OK, , ,18.73,2592,896.0,0.00,Test ON
,20.48,1.6,1.48, , ,19.58,0.70,B1-S2 OK, , ,20.04,2592,888.0,0.00,Test ON
,21.91,1.2,1.45, , ,20.96,0.74,B1-S2 OK, , ,21.45,2592,888.0,0.00,Test ON
,23.18,1.2,1.45, , ,22.36,0.55,B1-S2 OK, , ,22.76,2592,880.0,0.00,Test ON
,24.60,2.3,1.52, , ,23.64,0.39,B1-S2 OK, , ,24.12,2592,880.0,0.00,Test ON
,26.03,2.0,1.52, , ,25.08,0.74,B1-S2 OK, , ,25.56,2592,872.0,0.00,Test ON
,27.51,1.2,1.48, , ,26.54,0.66,B1-S2 OK, , ,27.03,2592,872.0,0.00,Test ON
,28.97,2.3,1.52, , ,27.99,0.74,B1-S2 OK, , ,28.47,2592,864.0,0.00,Test ON
,30.36,2.0,1.45, , ,29.42,0.66,B1-S2 OK, , ,29.90,2624,864.0,0.00,Test ON
,31.82,1.2,1.48, , ,30.86,0.59,B1-S2 OK, , ,31.35,2624,856.0,0.00,Test ON
,33.22,1.2,1.52, , ,32.28,0.74,B1-S2 OK, , ,32.76,2624,856.0,0.00,Test ON
,34.52,1.2,1.48, , ,33.64,0.66,B1-S2 OK, , ,34.09,2624,848.0,0.00,Test ON
,35.96,0.8,1.52, , ,35.01,0.47,B1-S2 OK, , ,35.53,2624,848.0,0.00,Test ON
,37.45,1.2,1.52, , ,36.45,0.74,B1-S2 OK, , ,36.95,2624,848.0,0.00,Test ON
,38.84,0.8,1.45, , ,37.91,0.63,B1-S2 OK, , ,38.37,2624,840.0,0.00,Test ON
,40.23,0.4,1.52, , ,39.32,0.66,B1-S2 OK, , ,39.75,2624,840.0,0.00,Test ON
,41.54,0.0,1.52, , ,40.68,0.74,B1-S2 OK, , ,41.12,2624,840.0,0.00,Test ON
,42.95,-0.4,1.45, , ,41.99,0.70,B1-S2 OK, , ,42.47,2656,832.0,0.00,Test ON
,44.39,0.0,1.52, , ,43.43,0.51,B1-S2 OK, , ,43.94,2656,832.0,0.00,Test ON
,45.83,-0.4,1.52, , ,44.84,0.74,B1-S2 OK, , ,45.32,2656,832.0,0.00,Test ON
,47.27,-0.4,1.45, , ,46.31,0.59,B1-S2 OK, , ,46.79,2656,824.0,0.00,Test ON
,48.71,-0.4,1.52, , ,47.75,0.70,B1-S2 OK, , ,48.23,2656,824.0,0.00,Test ON

Rijdend uitgelezen bij zo'n 80km/h.
Deze 3 testjes gedaan in verschillende groepen van lambda sondes. Kan je iets met deze info? Is de kat. nu kapot of zijn de lambda sondes kapot?

Reinier336 +0

14 jaar

Niet gevonden wat je zocht? Misschien is je vraag al eens beantwoord voor je Volkswagen Polo of stel zelf een nieuwe vraag.