uitlees rapport 03-11-2010
VAG-COM Version: Release 409.1-US
Control Module Part Number: 03E 906 033
Component and/or Version: 1,2l/4V SIMOS3 00HS4340
Software Coding: 00031
Work Shop Code: WSC 00788
Additional Info: WVWZZZ9NZ3Y042838 VWZ7Z0B5191184
1 Fault Found:
16804 - Catalyst System: Bank 1: Efficiency Below Threshold
P0420 - 35-00 - -
uitlees rapport 18-03-2010
VAG-COM Version: Release 409.1-US
Control Module Part Number: 03E 906 033
Component and/or Version: 1,2l/4V SIMOS3 00HS4340
Software Coding: 00031
Work Shop Code: WSC 00788
Additional Info: WVWZZZ9NZ3Y042838 VWZ7Z0B5191184
1 Fault Found:
16804 - Catalyst System: Bank 1: Efficiency Below Threshold
P0420 - 35-00 - -
Kan iemand hier mij mee helpen, ik heb twee keer uitgelzen en foutcode gewist, maar dezelfde melding komt steeds weer terug.
Inderdaad vaak de kat stuk bij deze storing,maar je kan voor de zekerheid de softwarestand controleren of deze wel actueel is.
[quote=oldford]Foutmelding zal ook blijven terug komen als de kat niet goed werkt. Alleen vervangen verhelpt dat.
Lees eens rijdend uit bij zo'n 80 km/uur. Pendelt de lambdasonde na de kat dan (sensor 2) of geeft deze een stabiel signaal?[/quote]
Beste oldford,
Kun je mij de meetblokken geven waar ik naar moet kijken en wat moeten de waardes zijn?
Gr. Reinier
14 jaar
Duitse label file + redirection die die je nodig hebt: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=OVORVLCQ
Lambda regeling staat in groep 30 t/m 46. Kijk in de file voor de juiste groepen en waardes.
[quote=oldford]Foutmelding zal ook blijven terug komen als de kat niet goed werkt. Alleen vervangen verhelpt dat.
Lees eens rijdend uit bij zo'n 80 km/uur. Pendelt de lambdasonde na de kat dan (sensor 2) of geeft deze een stabiel signaal?[/quote]
03E 906 033 ,,1.2l/4V SIMOS3 00HS4340,
,Group A:,'005,,,,Group B:,'036,,,,Group C:,'033
,,RPM,Load,Speed, ,,Voltage, , , ,,Lambda,Voltage, ,
Marker,STAMP, /min,%, km/h,,STAMP, V,,,,STAMP,%, V,,
,0.93,2784,90.2,68.0,Full Throt,0.01,0.82,B1-S2 OK, , ,0.45,0.0,3.59, ,
,2.30,2912,92.5,72.0,Full Throt,1.38,0.86,B1-S2 OK, , ,1.86,-2.0,1.05, ,
,3.68,3072,93.7,76.0,Full Throt,2.78,0.86,B1-S2 OK, , ,3.25,-2.7,1.09, ,
,5.04,3040,0.0,79.0,Overrun,4.14,0.86,B1-S2 OK, , ,4.61,-2.0,1.13, ,
,6.46,2592,47.8,79.0,Part Throttle,5.49,0.00,B1-S2 OK, , ,5.97,0.0,1.25, ,
,7.86,2624,42.4,79.0,Part Throttle,6.93,0.82,B1-S2 OK, , ,7.36,-3.1,1.45, ,
,9.18,2624,41.2,79.0,Part Throttle,8.32,0.74,B1-S2 OK, , ,8.77,-2.3,1.52, ,
,10.62,2656,41.2,79.0,Part Throttle,9.66,0.70,B1-S2 OK, , ,10.16,-1.2,1.48, ,
,12.00,2624,37.6,79.0,Part Throttle,11.07,0.74,B1-S2 OK, , ,11.52,-0.4,1.48, ,
,13.44,2624,38.8,78.0,Part Throttle,12.51,0.74,B1-S2 OK, , ,12.99,-0.4,1.48, ,
,14.86,2624,41.2,78.0,Part Throttle,13.92,0.74,B1-S2 OK, , ,14.41,-0.8,1.45, ,
,16.17,2624,42.4,79.0,Part Throttle,15.29,0.74,B1-S2 OK, , ,15.74,-1.2,1.45, ,
,17.64,2656,42.4,79.0,Part Throttle,16.67,0.74,B1-S2 OK, , ,17.16,-1.6,1.52, ,
,19.02,2656,42.4,79.0,Part Throttle,18.14,0.74,B1-S2 OK, , ,18.54,-2.0,1.45, ,
,20.44,2656,42.4,79.0,Part Throttle,19.50,0.70,B1-S2 OK, , ,19.98,-2.3,1.52, ,
,21.79,2656,42.4,79.0,Part Throttle,20.87,0.70,B1-S2 OK, , ,21.30,-2.3,1.52, ,
,23.19,2656,41.2,79.0,Part Throttle,22.26,0.74,B1-S2 OK, , ,22.74,-3.5,1.45, ,
,24.60,2656,42.4,80.0,Part Throttle,23.67,0.55,B1-S2 OK, , ,24.15,-3.5,1.48, ,
,26.04,2656,41.2,80.0,Part Throttle,25.08,0.66,B1-S2 OK, , ,25.53,-3.5,1.52, ,
,27.45,2688,41.2,80.0,Part Throttle,26.55,0.66,B1-S2 OK, , ,26.98,-3.9,1.45, ,
,28.81,2688,41.2,80.0,Part Throttle,27.88,0.55,B1-S2 OK, , ,28.34,-3.9,1.48, ,
,30.28,2688,41.2,80.0,Part Throttle,29.27,0.70,B1-S2 OK, , ,29.78,-4.3,1.52, ,
,31.74,2688,41.2,80.0,Part Throttle,30.76,0.63,B1-S2 OK, , ,31.25,-4.3,1.48, ,
,33.19,2688,40.0,80.0,Part Throttle,32.21,0.59,B1-S2 OK, , ,32.72,-4.7,1.52, ,
,34.61,2688,38.8,80.0,Part Throttle,33.65,0.74,B1-S2 OK, , ,34.10,-4.7,1.48, ,
,35.94,2688,36.5,80.0,Part Throttle,35.08,0.51,B1-S2 OK, , ,35.51,-4.3,1.48, ,
,37.33,2688,31.8,80.0,Part Throttle,36.37,0.70,B1-S2 OK, , ,36.82,-5.1,1.52, ,
,38.76,2656,32.9,79.0,Part Throttle,37.78,0.70,B1-S2 OK, , ,38.29,-4.7,1.45, ,
,40.20,2656,32.9,79.0,Part Throttle,39.22,0.43,B1-S2 OK, , ,39.70,-5.1,1.48, ,
,41.65,2624,32.9,79.0,Part Throttle,40.71,0.43,B1-S2 OK, , ,41.19,-2.3,1.52, ,
,43.12,2624,32.9,78.0,Part Throttle,42.11,0.74,B1-S2 OK, , ,42.58,-3.1,1.48, ,
,44.50,2624,31.8,78.0,Part Throttle,43.59,0.47,B1-S2 OK, , ,44.05,-2.3,1.52, ,
,45.87,2592,31.8,78.0,Part Throttle,44.98,0.66,B1-S2 OK, , ,45.42,-0.8,1.52, ,
,47.17,2592,36.5,78.0,Enrich.,46.27,0.70,B1-S2 OK, , ,46.69,0.0,1.45, ,
,48.55,2592,38.8,77.0,Part Throttle,47.62,0.66,B1-S2 OK, , ,48.06,1.6,1.48, ,
,49.90,2592,38.8,78.0,Part Throttle,48.99,0.70,B1-S2 OK, , ,49.46,1.2,1.45, ,
,51.33,2592,38.8,77.0,Part Throttle,50.40,0.70,B1-S2 OK, , ,50.86,0.8,1.48, ,
,52.67,2592,38.8,77.0,Part Throttle,51.77,0.70,B1-S2 OK, , ,52.21,-0.8,1.48, ,
,54.08,2592,38.8,77.0,Part Throttle,53.15,0.63,B1-S2 OK, , ,53.63,-0.4,1.52, ,
,55.42,2592,37.6,78.0,Part Throttle,54.51,0.70,B1-S2 OK, , ,54.97,-0.8,1.48, ,
,56.80,2592,38.8,78.0,Part Throttle,55.89,0.70,B1-S2 OK, , ,56.33,-1.6,1.45, ,
,58.11,2592,38.8,78.0,Part Throttle,57.23,0.74,B1-S2 OK, , ,57.66,-1.6,1.45, ,
03E 906 033 ,,1.2l/4V SIMOS3 00HS4340,
,Group A:,'031,,,,Group B:,'032,,,,Group C:,'043
,,(no units),(no units), , ,,Lambda,Lambda, , ,,RPM,Temperature,Voltage,
Marker,STAMP,,,,,STAMP,%,%,,,STAMP, /min,°C, V,
,0.98,0.8984,0.9277, , ,0.01,0.0,-1.6, , ,0.51,2592,976.0,0.90,Test OFF
,2.41,0.9482,0.9268, , ,1.42,0.0,-1.6, , ,1.90,2560,968.0,0.86,Test OFF
,3.87,0.9395,0.9248, , ,2.80,0.0,-1.6, , ,3.36,2528,968.0,0.86,Test OFF
,5.20,0.9453,0.9248, , ,4.27,0.0,-1.6, , ,4.69,2528,960.0,0.86,Test OFF
,6.59,0.9326,0.9258, , ,5.71,0.0,-1.6, , ,6.13,2560,952.0,0.86,Test OFF
,8.05,0.9268,0.9277, , ,7.07,0.0,-1.6, , ,7.55,2560,944.0,0.86,Test OFF
,9.36,0.9316,0.9297, , ,8.48,0.0,-1.6, , ,8.94,2592,928.0,0.86,Test OFF
,10.65,0.9336,0.9365, , ,9.77,0.0,-1.6, , ,10.21,2592,928.0,0.86,Test OFF
,12.03,0.9443,0.9414, , ,11.10,0.0,-1.6, , ,11.55,2592,920.0,0.86,Test OFF
,13.40,0.9463,0.9463, , ,12.48,0.0,-1.6, , ,12.94,2592,904.0,0.82,Test OFF
,14.81,0.9551,0.9580, , ,13.88,0.0,-1.6, , ,14.35,2592,904.0,0.82,Test OFF
,16.15,0.9678,0.9648, , ,15.24,0.0,-1.6, , ,15.69,2592,896.0,0.82,Test OFF
,17.56,1.0098,1.0020, , ,16.62,0.0,-1.6, , ,17.11,2592,888.0,0.78,Test OFF
,18.97,0.9971,1.0020, , ,18.03,0.0,-1.6, , ,18.52,2592,888.0,0.74,Test OFF
,20.36,1.0029,1.0020, , ,19.43,0.0,-1.6, , ,19.88,2592,880.0,0.66,Test OFF
,21.77,1.0156,1.0020, , ,20.84,0.0,-1.6, , ,21.31,2592,880.0,0.63,Test OFF
,23.14,1.0039,1.0020, , ,22.23,0.0,-1.6, , ,22.70,2592,880.0,0.74,Test OFF
,24.50,0.9902,1.0020, , ,23.59,0.0,-1.6, , ,24.07,2560,872.0,0.70,Test OFF
03E 906 033 ,,1.2l/4V SIMOS3 00HS4340,
,Group A:,'033,,,,Group B:,'036,,,,Group C:,'046
,,Lambda,Voltage, , ,,Voltage, , , ,,RPM,Temperature,(no units),
Marker,STAMP,%, V,,,STAMP, V,,,,STAMP, /min,°C,,
,0.96,-5.1,1.45, , ,0.01,0.82,B1-S2 OK, , ,0.45,2624,960.0,0.00,Test OFF
,2.42,-10.5,1.48, , ,1.46,0.82,B1-S2 OK, , ,1.92,2560,952.0,0.00,Test OFF
,3.76,-3.1,1.52, , ,2.90,0.74,B1-S2 OK, , ,3.28,2528,952.0,0.00,Test OFF
,5.12,0.8,1.48, , ,4.16,0.59,B1-S2 OK, , ,4.62,2560,944.0,0.00,Test OFF
,6.61,1.2,1.48, , ,5.62,0.55,B1-S2 OK, , ,6.11,2560,944.0,0.00,Test OFF
,8.05,0.4,1.48, , ,7.07,0.70,B1-S2 OK, , ,7.55,2560,936.0,0.00,Test OFF
,9.41,0.4,1.45, , ,8.51,0.70,B1-S2 OK, , ,8.97,2592,928.0,0.00,Test ON
,10.78,0.0,1.48, , ,9.87,0.70,B1-S2 OK, , ,10.32,2592,920.0,0.00,Test ON
,12.16,1.2,1.52, , ,11.25,0.70,B1-S2 OK, , ,11.71,2592,912.0,0.00,Test ON
,13.55,1.6,1.48, , ,12.62,0.70,B1-S2 OK, , ,13.09,2592,912.0,0.00,Test ON
,15.02,0.8,1.52, , ,14.03,0.47,B1-S2 OK, , ,14.54,2592,904.0,0.00,Test ON
,16.44,0.0,1.48, , ,15.52,0.70,B1-S2 OK, , ,15.98,2592,904.0,0.00,Test ON
,17.85,0.0,1.45, , ,16.92,0.63,B1-S2 OK, , ,17.39,2592,896.0,0.00,Test ON
,19.13,1.2,1.52, , ,18.30,0.51,B1-S2 OK, , ,18.73,2592,896.0,0.00,Test ON
,20.48,1.6,1.48, , ,19.58,0.70,B1-S2 OK, , ,20.04,2592,888.0,0.00,Test ON
,21.91,1.2,1.45, , ,20.96,0.74,B1-S2 OK, , ,21.45,2592,888.0,0.00,Test ON
,23.18,1.2,1.45, , ,22.36,0.55,B1-S2 OK, , ,22.76,2592,880.0,0.00,Test ON
,24.60,2.3,1.52, , ,23.64,0.39,B1-S2 OK, , ,24.12,2592,880.0,0.00,Test ON
,26.03,2.0,1.52, , ,25.08,0.74,B1-S2 OK, , ,25.56,2592,872.0,0.00,Test ON
,27.51,1.2,1.48, , ,26.54,0.66,B1-S2 OK, , ,27.03,2592,872.0,0.00,Test ON
,28.97,2.3,1.52, , ,27.99,0.74,B1-S2 OK, , ,28.47,2592,864.0,0.00,Test ON
,30.36,2.0,1.45, , ,29.42,0.66,B1-S2 OK, , ,29.90,2624,864.0,0.00,Test ON
,31.82,1.2,1.48, , ,30.86,0.59,B1-S2 OK, , ,31.35,2624,856.0,0.00,Test ON
,33.22,1.2,1.52, , ,32.28,0.74,B1-S2 OK, , ,32.76,2624,856.0,0.00,Test ON
,34.52,1.2,1.48, , ,33.64,0.66,B1-S2 OK, , ,34.09,2624,848.0,0.00,Test ON
,35.96,0.8,1.52, , ,35.01,0.47,B1-S2 OK, , ,35.53,2624,848.0,0.00,Test ON
,37.45,1.2,1.52, , ,36.45,0.74,B1-S2 OK, , ,36.95,2624,848.0,0.00,Test ON
,38.84,0.8,1.45, , ,37.91,0.63,B1-S2 OK, , ,38.37,2624,840.0,0.00,Test ON
,40.23,0.4,1.52, , ,39.32,0.66,B1-S2 OK, , ,39.75,2624,840.0,0.00,Test ON
,41.54,0.0,1.52, , ,40.68,0.74,B1-S2 OK, , ,41.12,2624,840.0,0.00,Test ON
,42.95,-0.4,1.45, , ,41.99,0.70,B1-S2 OK, , ,42.47,2656,832.0,0.00,Test ON
,44.39,0.0,1.52, , ,43.43,0.51,B1-S2 OK, , ,43.94,2656,832.0,0.00,Test ON
,45.83,-0.4,1.52, , ,44.84,0.74,B1-S2 OK, , ,45.32,2656,832.0,0.00,Test ON
,47.27,-0.4,1.45, , ,46.31,0.59,B1-S2 OK, , ,46.79,2656,824.0,0.00,Test ON
,48.71,-0.4,1.52, , ,47.75,0.70,B1-S2 OK, , ,48.23,2656,824.0,0.00,Test ON
Rijdend uitgelezen bij zo'n 80km/h.
Deze 3 testjes gedaan in verschillende groepen van lambda sondes. Kan je iets met deze info? Is de kat. nu kapot of zijn de lambda sondes kapot?
14 jaar
Niet gevonden wat je zocht? Misschien is je vraag al eens beantwoord voor je Volkswagen Polo of stel zelf een nieuwe vraag.
Foutmelding zal ook blijven terug komen als de kat niet goed werkt. Alleen vervangen verhelpt dat.
Lees eens rijdend uit bij zo'n 80 km/uur. Pendelt de lambdasonde na de kat dan (sensor 2) of geeft deze een stabiel signaal?
14 jaar